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To: Paul Buckley independent Chair SCoPED Oversight Committee

Compulsory personal therapy for trainee and qualified practicing counsellors

Compulsory personal therapy for trainee and qualified practicing counsellors.

Why is this important?

Current research shows that in U.K., more than 62% of clinical psychologist report having experienced mental health difficulties at some point in their career.

With the implementation of the SCoPED frame of work the counselling and psychotherapy industry in the U.K. is one step closer to being regulated and receiving the deserved attention.

In a society where mental health is beginning to be appreciated in all sectors and aspects of one's life, it is irresponsible that regulator organisations, which are part of the SCoPED frame of work, such as the BACP, ACC, HGI & NCS, facilitate trainees and "registered/accredited members" who are not undergoing personal therapy as an integrated part of their training and professional development; to practice in paid client work obtained through directories managed by the said organisations.

Such can be verified by reading the SCoPED PowerPoint (slide 14) frame of work published ON THE WEBSITES of those organisations mentioned.

When it comes to ethical and safe therapy offered to vulnerable people, there should be no buts or ifs.

Clients of any kind have next to no understanding of what constitutes a professional counsellor, nor should they be held responsible for doing so.

Counsellors and organisations who profit from the service they provide are entirely responsible and, above all should be making sure of doing no harm.

Many courses accredited by those organisations mentioned do not integrate personal therapy in their training, placing students and potential clients at great risk.

People should join my campaign to support a safer and more regulated industry.
Supervisors would know the risks involved and should back me up to protect their supervise.
Institutions benefitting from the high cost of the training they offer are obliged to provide an ethical frame of reference to their students before they reach the public.
Regulators like the UKCP and BPS, who fortunately require personal therapy, should help to set the standards that they themselves believe in and sign up for the petition.



2024-03-15 10:10:50 +0000

50 signatures reached

2024-03-14 19:03:46 +0000

25 signatures reached

2024-03-14 17:45:24 +0000

10 signatures reached