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To: Sarah Champion, MP for Rotherham

Consequences for Rotherham abuse report names.

Will you do your best to bring ALL those named as culpable in the Rotherham Sex Abuse Report to justice, please? I am tired of hearing apologies and "lessons will be learned". All guilty people should be removed from post wherever they might be, a suitable portion of their their salaries repaid to the taxpayer and their pension rights reduced or removed entirely. Let's not consider prison for these people. Why waste the taxpayers' money?They failed to protect vulnerable children, so hit them where it hurts. Also make sure that these offenders can hold no public office, especially where the care of people or animals are concerned. The worst of them should also be barred from holding any other post of responsibility.

Why is this important?

The people named in the report were supposed to be protecting children and were guilty of extreme negligence.
It is important for those in positions of responsibility to be really accountable. Saying sorry is not enough, saying lessons will be learned is not enough and staying in post should be out of the question.
There is generally an attitude amongst senior management that it can earn large salaries and that this quite separate from the damage it might do through its own incompetence or immorality. Far too often the large salaries are unjustified.

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2014-10-06 19:58:10 +0100

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