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To: UK Government

Contol rental prices in the UK

There needs to be regulations and controls introduced to cap rental prices.

Why is this important?

So today as a family we were informed that our rent is increasing in line with current market value. Basically the estate agent's want to make more money and our landlord wants more return from his investment. We have no choice but to accept or we'll have no where to live and we've made this our home. We are not able to have a voice, we are at the mercy of powerful letting agents and landlords.

Is this all really fair without any consultation? How do they expect families to find money when cost of living is constantly rising?

Do you not think this is ludicrous considering we aren't well off enough to buy a house but our rent is more than a mortgage. Regulations need to be introduced to stop letting agents charging over the odds and pushing families further into poverty. I think it is really unfair and they need to be stopped. If he increases it further we just will not be able to afford to live here.

This issue isn't just having an affect on us but on friends and family of ours who also rent and have been forced to submit to rent increases. We have no choice as we don't want to be out on the streets but is it fair to pray on the vulnerable for financial gain? There's a shortage of social housing as it is but more people will be in need of it is we're pushed out of rental properties as we can't meet the high rents.

Please help me take this forward to prevent this happening to other families. We won't be able to fight our rent increase this time as we need a roof over our head, even if it means our quality of life is reduced but we will be out on the streets if this happens again.

We want the government to:
1. Bring rents under control: Introduce rent controls that ensure rents are set at affordable levels, and that increases don't force tenants into poverty. Rents should be determined by the quality, size, location and facilities of the home. Rent controls are the norm in most of Europe and were used in the UK until the 1980's.

How it will be delivered

I will take these figures to my local MP and seek National recognition to bring about change.



2016-06-01 18:52:28 +0100

10 signatures reached