To: Haringey Council

Controlling the Controlled Parking in Tower Gardens

Controlled parking measures in the Tower Gardens CPZ, that is fair and beneficial for residents.
One that prioritises residents, not just on Event Days, but at most times during the week, throughout the course of the week.

The point of this petition is to entice the Parking Team at Haringey Council to review the CPZ in Tower Gardens, and enforce a more thorough and pragmatic time-frame.

Why is this important?

Back in 2014, the residents of Tower Gardens were open to the idea of a CPZ being introduced, on the basis that it would alleviate the parking concentration caused by visitors, Spurs supporters and local businesses. Essentially, allowing residents to move their vehicles without the concern of not being able to obtain parking shortly afterwards.
Based on the information I have gathered, the residents of Tower Gardens were happy to have this CPZ introduced, if it would not incur an cost for residents to obtain a permit - which has been the case.

However, the past year has seen an increase in vehicles parked in the area. It is believed this is due to the fact that Tottenham Hotspur have played the 2017/18 season, at Wembley. Therefore, the Event Day restriction would not come into enforcement - and as a result; visitors, local business owners, and commuters are parking their vehicles in the area. Which is making it difficult for residents to find parking within a reasonable distance of their properties.

Tower Gardens Road, London

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