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To: Cllr Hilary Fairclough, Cllr John Walsh, Cllr Kate Taylor

Create a safe children's play area on Andrew Lane Park

As residents of Astley Bridge with a young children we've noticed that there is a serious lack of outside play facilities for children especially in Sharples.
The closest play area is Astley Bridge Park which with a toddler can be anything up to a 30-45 minute walk down some very busy roads.
We ask as residents and parents that a small children's area be created at Andrew Lane Park. A place that can be a safe area for local children to play and enjoy the outdoors.
By creating a park in this location it will help children become more active as well as helping them to develop socially as it will introduce them to a location where they can safely play with other children.

Why is this important?

Let's create a children's play area on Andrews Lane Park so our children have a safe area to play close to their homes. Let's create something that our children and our children's children will be able to enjoy safely.

Bolton, UK

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