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To: UK Parking Control at Cumberland Infirmary

Cumberland Infirmary Hospital Parking Charges

Institute a fair, pay as you leave parking system with affordable charges that accepts cash and cards, or better still no charges . Give all hospital staff free car parking whilst they are on duty.

Why is this important?

The car parking company (UKPC) expects patients and staff to guess how much time they will need to be in the car park. If people overpay there are no refunds, if they underpay they are given large fines. There is no facility for paying by card if you don't have any cash. A fairer system would be pay as you leave. The current system exploits people when they are at their most vulnerable. It is completely unfit for purpose and should be changed.
Cumberland Infirmary, Newtown Road, Carlisle

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2017-05-13 22:48:21 +0100

500 signatures reached

2017-05-11 06:41:08 +0100

100 signatures reached

2017-05-10 21:21:24 +0100

50 signatures reached

2017-05-10 19:23:02 +0100

25 signatures reached

2017-05-10 18:15:54 +0100

10 signatures reached