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To: Sadiq Khan MP

De-restrict childrens law legal aid

Dear Mr khan,

Please will you do something about the changes to legal aid within the family law sector. Particularly related to childrens law.

Why is this important?

What is more important than your children? What in the world is more important than children and their welfare. How can it be that in this day and age in this country a childs future can be decided on whether you can afford a lawyer or not? Faced with the daunting trauma of court proceedings regarding the future of your child, you know your ex-partner is not capable of giving a loving, caring upbringing to your child but they can afford representation and you cannot. You may come away with the right result, you may not. What is certain is that you are entering a fight with the odds stacked against you. This is not right! Children deserve to have their future decided fairly.


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2014-03-25 15:27:40 +0000

25 signatures reached

2014-03-23 11:09:56 +0000

10 signatures reached