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To: UK Government

Decentralization of Power to Local regions or cities

Allow the creation of a de-centralized government giving more power to local regions, such as Greater Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, Newcastle and Birmingham. This will allow these great cities to develop economically and socially without a centralized government focusing on central London.

Why is this important?

This is very import, Whitehall has ruled over the lands of England for a very long time. The likes of the Northern cities or Central English cities do not benefit from a centralized government.

We need to ensure our local areas can raise and spend money that will benefit our local areas economically and socially. This will allow for the regeneration and growth of our cities and to allow them to become more international cities to attract foreign investment, providing more jobs and economic security.

For too long the rule from Whitehall has benefitted the areas within 50km (Greater London), such as public transport, jobs and the economy of the local area.

Ensure our MPs are fighting for local issues and are not just elected to live in London for 4 years.



2015-01-19 22:52:39 +0000

10 signatures reached