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To: Super Market CEO’s

Disability Shopping Days

I want to get Supermarket CEO’s to recognise this particular group of people, as a disabled person with 11 invisible illnesses plus brain damage , I have come to notice that like understands like , sometimes it almost seems like we are a different species . I became housebound in May 2020 after a serious fall which caused a bleed on my brain which has affected me in several ways , I’m loud , my behaviour is erratic , basically I’m not the same . I have several friends and family whom have carers due to complex needs as well as on the autistic spectrum , the general consensus when shopping is that the general public do not understand when we are acting up , so to speak, this in turn causes embarrassment to our families. Cinemas , theatres and restaurants already offer this service , so it stands to reason that those who offer a service that is for our basic needs should offer a more comfortable experience . I have done my research and know that this would be gratefully received .

Why is this important?

Since we are experiencing COVID-19 supermarkets have set up NHS shopping, ELDERLY shopping etc etc ....... this got me to thinking , why isn’t there anything like this for people who have additional/complex needs . We do like to do everything that any able bodied person would like to do , but we are human and don’t like to be made to feel less than good enough , just because I don’t behave like you , doesn’t make my heart and my feelings any less than yours . Therefore I believe that a certain day should be put aside for the likes of me to shop in peace .



2021-01-08 09:19:08 +0000

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