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To: HRH Elizabeth II

Dissolve Paliament and Initiate a General Election

Under the rules of the Magna Carta (Article 61) and United Nations (UDHR Article 21) people of the UK are legally entitled to decide on issues and policy, irrespective of government stance, and irrespective of the General Election timetable. This is a power long kept secret from the population, and it would be an iconic and historic moment if the first true use of it should be to remove a government which has failed to represent the people.

Why is this important?

In 2015, 66.1 % of the UK voted. The Conservative party got 36.8% of those votes. Which, in reality, means 24.3% of the UK population voted conservative, leaving 75.7% of the population with a government they did not vote for.

Dissatisfaction with austerity measures have seen socialist governments taking power across Europe, yet the UK 2015 General Election saw the UK buck the trend and look to a right wing party - UKIP - to represent popular dissatisfaction with mainstream politics.

I believe this happened because the UK did not have a socialist party to vote for.

But we have one now.

Should the people of the UK wait four years under a government that is trying to repeal the hunting ban, against their wishes, initiated bombing runs over Syria in secret, and against the people's wishes, maintains levels of austerity against the people's wishes, and is negotiating the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership deal in secret, against the people's wishes?

When there is now a viable alternative party which is anti war, in line with the people's wishes, anti austerity, in line with the people's wishes, and who stands for a more equal society, in line with the people's wishes.

Big businesses are threatened with more taxes, harsher penalties, and tighter regulation, so will naturally spend the next 4 years attempting to rubbish and marginalise Jeremy Corbyn.

Why should the majority population allow that to happen?

I am interested to know how many people want a General Election in 2016. That's not to say this petition is merely a piece of research. If enough people want it, then we shall have it: the people are legally entitled to demand policy changes, or even a General Election, and under the rules of the Commonwealth, the reigning monarch has the authority to dissolve parliament (which Queen Elizabeth did, in Australia, in 1975 - this is no technicality, but an authority that has been used in recent history).



2015-10-28 20:18:36 +0000

25 signatures reached

2015-08-31 09:53:25 +0100

10 signatures reached