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To: Prime Minister and Cabinet

Do not invite Trump to make State Visit to UK 2025

Photo by Jose M on Unsplash
It is said that the Prime Minister will, on behalf of His Majesty, invite President Trump to make a further State Visit to the UK.  We ask that this invitation not be given or, if it has, that it be withdrawn on the basis of the distress and unrest such a visit would create in the UK. 

Why is this important?

In view of Mr Trump's appalling record in Office to date: his abandonment of the rights of minorities, his threats to take over foreign lands, his abuse of friendly Heads of State, his promise to stop protection of the environment and threats to abandon countries in need and his ending of USAID to the world's neediest we believe that such a Visit would encourage him in further uncivilised and autocratic behaviour.  This Visit would bring shame on our country, is likely to embarass His Majesty and send out all the wrong signals about who the British are.

How it will be delivered

By email

United Kingdom

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