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To: Theresa May

Do not make Nigel Farage a lord

Theresa May has not ruled out the possibility of Farage being made a lord.

Although Theresa May has said she won't discuss this publicly, the important thing is that in the end Nigel Farage is not granted peerage.

Why is this important?

"A peerage would bring Mr Farage into Parliament, to which he has consistently failed to be elected."

Nigel Farage consistently slammed the EU for being undemocratic and continuously sung the song that our laws are being influenced by unelected officials.

People who voted to leave Europe did so for these reasons, amongst others, and so for Farage to be made a lord would be entirely inappropriate. 52% of the EU referendum voters do not want this going on - the referendum already told us that, and Farage himself led the campaign to leave - however, there are surely few people within the 48% of Remainers who would like to see this peerage granted either.

This would be the final nail in the coffin of the UK's pale imitation of a democracy.

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