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To: Chiltern Clinical Commissioning Group (CCCG) & Bucks County Council (BCC)

Doctors Surgery for east end of High Wycombe - When is it coming? #DoctorsSurgery4eastwycombe

Residents are asking when a new Doctors Surgery is being delivered for the east end of High Wycombe. Covering residents from Bowerdean, Totteridge, Ryemead and Micklefield.

The Chiltern Clinical Commissioning Group (CCCG) agreed to look at provision in East Wycombe in 2017. Gomm Valley was one area that was considered for surgery but nothing happened.

An ideal opportunity has arisen on the old Homebase Site for a new build doctors surgery and AQSA Pharmacy as part of the new development.

The petition is asking the CCCG and BCC to work together to secure the land for a Health Centre. But we need some focus and urgency from CCCG to secure the land.

Why is this important?

The Background
An ideal opportunity has arisen on the old Homebase Site for new build doctors surgery and AQSA Pharmacy as part of the new development.

The petition is asking the CCCG and BCC to work together to secure the land for a Health Centre. But we need some focus and urgency from CCCG to secure the land.

A petition was presented to the BCC Health Scrutiny Committee by past Mayor Trevor Snaith. BCC listened and the chairman of the BCC Health Scrutiny committee took up the issue with Cressex Health Centre (Lynton House Surgery), NHS and the CCCG.
Lynton House was saved from closure and underwent an upgrade. However, this was only an interim measure until we got a new Health Centre for East Wycombe.

2 years on, and we are still waiting for a new Health Centre .
The pressing issue we face is that there is a shortage of doctors and health care provision in the east of High Wycombe.

Trevor Snaith along with local AQSA Pharmacy, community groups and residents are now petitioning for a new state of the art health centre.

An ideal opportunity has arisen on the Old Homebase Site for a doctors surgery and AQSA Pharmacy as part of the new development.

The petition is asking the CCCG and BCC to work together to secure the land for a Health Centre.

How it will be delivered

Petition will be handed to BCC and CCCG by Trevor Snaith

You can also sign petition in local AQSA and Ryemead pharmacies. also Bees Knees Sandwich shop in Pinions

On social media use #DoctorsSurgery4eastwycombe

High Wycombe

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2019-07-30 17:21:51 +0100

50 signatures reached

2019-05-21 20:32:31 +0100

25 signatures reached

2019-05-16 23:20:12 +0100

10 signatures reached