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To: Parliament and police

Domestic violence offenders register

I would like them to look at introducing a way of domestic violence offenders signing a register in the way sex offenders do so previous victims of domestic violence can access this as search to keep themselves safe from new potential partners who have committed domestic crimes against partners or women/men previously.

Why is this important?

This is important because whilst there is Claire’s law for people to check this requires information which sometimes isn’t accessible such as previous address from people who have committed crimes.
I personally have been in a domestically violent relationship and had there been a more easier way to check then things may not have escalated as far as they did. The information wasn’t easily available to me and I fear other people like myself have struggled to get valuable information that could’ve saved them from harm or potentially reduced it.

It’s sad we live in a place where an offender can lie about what happened in a previous relationship and make out that their victim was actually the one at fault, why should their crime disappear from their life as soon as it’s been through court, their police record is private to them unless they wish to share it. This was anyone can view what they have done and have better awareness for themselves, their children, their family and protect themselves with the information that should be accessible!



2020-12-05 20:41:53 +0000

25 signatures reached

2020-11-09 14:44:41 +0000

10 signatures reached