500 signatures reached
To: powys County Council
Save Newtown Park Day Centre and fix the roof
Save Newtown Park Day Centre and fix the roof
Why is this important?
The council county are under severe budget cuts and are having to look at all the services they provide. This includes adult services which covers the day centres
Sadly day centres are not a statutory service so it is not something that councils have to provide
Newtown day centre serves Newtown and surrounding area. It is essential to the people who use it. Providing care and company. Many users say they don’t know what they would do without it as it is their only life line and if they didn't have the day centre they wouldn’t see anyone all week
This is a sad situation for our residents that need the support of a day centre and families and carers that use it for help with respite care
We are calling on the Powys County Council to please consider the effect that losing the day centre in Newtown would have on both the service users, families and carers if it was to close.
Newtown is the largest town in Powys so it has a large population of people who can benefit from the day centre, providing care, company, a meal, friendship, entertainment / activity and much, much more
Sadly day centres are not a statutory service so it is not something that councils have to provide
Newtown day centre serves Newtown and surrounding area. It is essential to the people who use it. Providing care and company. Many users say they don’t know what they would do without it as it is their only life line and if they didn't have the day centre they wouldn’t see anyone all week
This is a sad situation for our residents that need the support of a day centre and families and carers that use it for help with respite care
We are calling on the Powys County Council to please consider the effect that losing the day centre in Newtown would have on both the service users, families and carers if it was to close.
Newtown is the largest town in Powys so it has a large population of people who can benefit from the day centre, providing care, company, a meal, friendship, entertainment / activity and much, much more
How it will be delivered
Hand it to the Leader Cllr Barry Thomas at Powys County Council