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To: Pauline Latham

Don't force Belper School and all the Primary Schools in Belper and Duffield to become academies

Please do everything you can to make sure our local schools aren't forced into becoming academies. We don't want our schools to be controlled by academy chains against their will, and to have their parent governors removed

Our schools should be able to decide their own future and keep parent governors

Why is this important?

No two schools are alike. But the government doesn't seem to agree. It wants to rush through plans to force every single school in England to become an academy the type of school paid for by taxpayers, but run by businesses, sponsors or trusts.

Many teachers and parents are already standing against the plans, saying that they're "a step towards privatisation", ignore local views, and could force some schools to close.

One size does not fit all, and local parents and teachers should have a say in the future of our school.

If this isn't your local school, click here to sign your local petition, or start one if no-one else has yet:

How it will be delivered

stage a press conference and deliver in person

Belper, Derbyshire

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2016-04-25 20:13:10 +0100

New Study shows up Academy myth:

2016-04-21 15:40:07 +0100

The battle against these proposals has been illuminated by two head teachers resigning and more dismay from Tory MPs and Tory councils. Cameron still insists he will go ahead. Only large scale protest will make an impression on this vandalism.

2016-04-08 09:08:31 +0100

Local authorities stand to lose hundreds of millions in business rates revenue as a result of the government’s decision to force all schools to become academies.

In March’s Budget announcement, chancellor George Osborne announced that schools currently run by councils will be required to become academies by 2022 or face forced conversion.

Unlike local education authority schools, academies receive 80% rates relief, leaving local government facing a potential revenue black hole which some experts have estimated at £750m a year. As well as disrupting education academies will undermine local government.

2016-04-03 18:43:39 +0100

This very alarming article from the Matlock Mercury shows in brutal clarity where the Academy fiasco is heading.

2016-04-03 15:04:28 +0100

100 signatures reached

2016-04-02 22:26:44 +0100

We are at nearly one hundred. The best way to increase the signers is to link to your friends and relatives in Belper and Duffield who care about the future of all our schools. We don't want our schools to be involved in an organisation like the largest chain , AET, which had another awful report from Ofsted - here is the link.....

2016-04-02 03:53:28 +0100

50 signatures reached

2016-04-01 20:44:01 +0100

25 signatures reached

2016-04-01 18:41:12 +0100

10 signatures reached