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To: Dr Andrew Murrison MP

Don't force Matravers school to become an academy

This is no joke!

Please support our local school to exercise freedom of choice and actively campaign to prevent Matravers School and other schools in South West Wiltshire from being forced into becoming an academy.

Our schools should be able to decide their own future.

Why is this important?

Did you know that academy schools are businesses? Rather like Tata steel or Tesco. The only difference at present is that they are not allowed to generate profit for share holders! (Although this is being discussed!) So what happens to the money that flows in to an acadamy? Well, not entirely what you might imagine! Many existing academies have been criticised for making payments to businesses owned by their own trustees and executives. ?500,000 in the case of Academy Enterprise Trust (AET). They were criticized yes, but not sanctioned, because amazingly their action was not illegal! No two schools are alike. But the government doesn?۪t seem to agree. It wants to rush through plans to force every single school in England to become an academy ??? A school paid for by taxpayers, but run by businesses, sponsors or trusts.

Within this move the government is also recommending an end to parent governors, this being the only 'check' mechanism still in place between business, school assets like 'Redland Lane' and your paid tax. The money that you thought was paying for your childrens' education! Schools like Matravers will be targeted by academy trusts that see value in the land assets, not the future prospects of our children.

Many teachers and parents are already standing against the plans, saying that they are ???a step towards privatisation?۪, ignore local views, and could force some schools to close.

One size does not fit all, and local parents and teachers should have a say in the future of our school.
South West Wiltshire, Westbury

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2016-05-04 20:31:55 +0100

100 signatures reached

2016-04-15 18:01:29 +0100

50 signatures reached

2016-04-03 21:40:00 +0100

25 signatures reached

2016-04-01 21:12:32 +0100

10 signatures reached