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To: The European Parliment

Donate Nigel Farage's EU pension to charity

Pay Nigel Farage's pension to charity as he should not be given anything from an establishment he despises and has criticised for wasting money.

Why is this important?

Nigel Farage has been an MEP since 1999 and despite his loathing of it, he has been happily pocketing the £84,000 annual salary. His record of attendance would see most children thrown out of school as he skives most sessions and is currently ranked 746th out of 751 MEP's when it comes to voting on any legislation.
He has been fundamental in the UK voting for Brexit, however despite this he is still going to claim his salary for the next two years (in addition to all the expenses that accompany the position). As an MEP he will also be entitled to a monthly "pension" of £5,400 for life which is a waste of tax payers money from whichever country it has come from.


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2017-04-05 13:06:02 +0100

50 signatures reached

2016-07-11 10:09:43 +0100

25 signatures reached

2016-07-08 23:48:06 +0100

10 signatures reached