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To: The Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA), Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)

End written prescriptions chargers by UK Veterinarians

Veterinary care is essential for our pets' health, yet pet owners in the UK are increasingly burdened by exorbitant costs for treatment, medications, and written prescription fees. This practice not only creates financial strain but also limits access to necessary healthcare for pets, particularly for those who cannot afford the inflated costs. 

We call on the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, and the Competition and Markets Authority to take immediate action by:

  1. Abolishing Written Prescription Fees: Vets should not charge extra for providing a written prescription; this should be included in the consultation fee, just as it is in human healthcare.

  2. Ensuring Access to Affordable Medications: Pet owners deserve the freedom to purchase medications from wherever they choose, without facing inflated prices or excessive prescription fees.

  3. Addressing the Rising Costs of Veterinary Care: Greater regulation of veterinary clinics, particularly those owned by large conglomerates, is needed to prevent price gouging and ensure fair access to treatment for all pet owners.

Why is this important?

1.    High Prices at Clinics: Pet owners are often required to purchase prescribed medications at prices 2 to 3 times higher than at pharmacies. If they choose not to buy from the clinic, they face an additional fee of £25-£30 for a written prescription, compounding the financial burden.

2.    Absurd Veterinary Costs: Veterinary costs in the UK are among the highest in Europe, despite many veterinary hospitals being supported by universities and government subsidies. While charities assist the very poor, the middle class remains unprotected, facing the real risk of financial ruin due to a pet’s healthcare problem.

3.    Corporate Ownership and Insurance Issues: The increasing corporate ownership of veterinary clinics and the rise of pet insurance have led to inflated prices for treatments, creating an exploitative system for both pets and their owners.

4.    Coercion and Exploitation: Pet owners should not be coerced into buying overpriced medications. The current system forces them into an unfair dilemma of choosing between high clinic prices or hefty prescription fees just to access more affordable medications.

5.    Vulnerability of the Middle Class: A pet’s illness should not result in financial hardship or bankruptcy. The current system leaves many middle-class families with no safety net and struggling to afford necessary veterinary care.

Let’s put an end to this exploitation and make veterinary care more affordable for everyone. By signing this petition, we demand fair treatment for pet owners and their beloved animals. 
United Kingdom

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2024-09-24 12:18:11 +0100

50 signatures reached

2024-09-23 21:48:16 +0100

25 signatures reached

2024-09-23 16:38:43 +0100

10 signatures reached