To: Ian Collier, Lloyd Paxton, Azad Ali, Mohammed Ezzat, Alun Rowling, Janice Dodds, Athar Fatemi, Paolo Boschi of the Hanger Hill Garden Estate Ltd. Board of Directors

End the Secrecy: Full Transparency for all HHGE Service Charges

(1) The Hanger Hill Garden Estate Board of Directors must immediately allow all flat owners full access to all “books, records and accounts relating to the Service Costs” as detailed in Clause 5.6 Fourth Schedule of the HHGE Ltd lease.
(2) All Service charge expenditure for the last 12 years must be fully audited by independent accountants and the results made fully available to all HHGE flat owners.

Why is this important?

(1) Over the last 10 years over £3 million+ been spent on the upkeep of the common parts of the Hanger Hill Garden Estate Flats Hanger whilst the fabric of the buildings and the gardens has steadily deteriorated.
(2) We want to know where the money was spent by whom and on what ?

London W3 0HQ, UK

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