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To: Harriet Harman

Ensure proper conduct in election campaign

Three of the candidates in the Labour Leadership election are contravening clause 3 and 13 of the code of conduct of candidates, whereby; "No candidates or persons acting on behalf of a candidate will use their own material, access to publicity or any media outlets to disparage or brief against any other candidate".
I want you to stop this with immediate action and would also expect apologies from the 3 candidates - Yvette Cooper, Andy Burnham and Liz Kendall and from yourself as Acting Leader of the Labour Party.

Why is this important?

I would like to put a formal complaint in about the three candidates Yvette Cooper, Liz Kendal and Andy Burnham for the derogatory comments that all three have made about Jeremy Corbyn in their own election campaigns. This contravenes number 3 and number 13 of the code of conduct of election candidates where they will not 'disparage or brief' against other candidates. I find this behaviour against Jeremy absolutely abhorrent. The general public have been inspired and motivated to take part in this election and have had their faith in politics renewed. The smear campaign against him by the other candidates as well as Tristram Hunt and Simon Danzuk MP's and Tony Blair and Gordon Brown has been disgusting and a slur on the Labour Party.
In my opinion this needs to stop immediately and apologies should be made,



2015-08-16 09:22:27 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

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100 signatures reached

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50 signatures reached

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25 signatures reached

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10 signatures reached