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To: All UK parents

Equal Parenting

Support equal parenting.
Contact your MP.

Why is this important?

It's important that both parents have regular access to the children so that they are aware that they are loved. Parental Alienation Syndrome can have adverse effects on the child making them have rejection issues. Children want to know why they don't get to spend time with both parents or have to spend more time with one over the other.

Fathers, in general, have problems getting the access their children deserve. Mediation and legal fees are also extortionately costing up to thousands. Consider what it must be like not having frequent access to your kids, and what that must be like for them.

The laws need to be changed, and costs for sorting out the issues of separation need to be brought back to reality.

Mediation meetings can be four times the cost of alternative private counseling, whereby one parent attends, and up to ten times the cost where both parents attend.

The process of resolving access issues are costly, laborious. Opening children to months of completely unacceptable hardship and stress.

We should bring the laws we have up to the same standards of countries like Norway. Equal parenting is favored, encouraging more active parenting roles and supporting the equal share of parenting contact both parents rightfully deserve.

Without this approach, Children can dangerously be in a position where a mother is in complete control of access arrangements, which is rarely the case for fathers. Neither parent should be put in this position unless there are serious grounds for concern with either parent.

Norway's laws addressed this matter where parents are automatically given equal rights unless there are significant reasons why this shouldn't be the case. Our laws should support fathers that want to be there for their children rather than support fathers that don't!

Family law needs to be modernised.

Parents should not be faced by a system that actively encourages them to turn their backs on their children. Instead, we should have one that encourages their equal involvement in their lives. Improvements will not be made until the laws are changed.

Please tell your MP to actively support and encourage equal parenting through their work in Parliament.

United Kingdom

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2017-03-05 20:58:23 +0000

25 signatures reached

2017-03-04 13:26:18 +0000

10 signatures reached