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To: David Cameron, Alex Salmond, Nick Clegg, Ed Milliband

Everyone in the UK should be able to vote on Scottish independence

Allow everyone of voting age in the UK to be able to vote on Scottish independence.

Why is this important?

The issue of the Union between Scotland and England, the future of the United Kingdom, is one that affects every man, woman and child that lives within it's borders, my family, your family - everyone - we will all be affected by the outcome of the Scottish independence referendum, socially, economically, politically, it will affect friends, relationships, jobs, borders, our great public services, our relationships. Over 200 years of Unionship between our countries has shown us that Scotland is a great asset, that combined we are a great force for positive change and that yes, we are better together as allies and united.

It can therefore, only be constitutionally right that everyone who lives within this Union, our United Kingdom, be allowed to vote in this referendum and be a party to this greatest of decisions that will affect us all. It is not so much a referendum on independence as one on breaking up a major part of our Union.

I want us all to be a part of making that decision.



2014-09-12 13:30:55 +0100

10 signatures reached