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To: The government and citizens of great britain

Fight for carers on carers allowance

Pay them much more for the hours they do and provide them all with a free travel pass

Why is this important?

If it was not for carers who receive carers allowance it would fall on adult social care, social services, the government and the state... carers allowance for 35hrs plus per week is approximatly £67 per week... yes they can claim a universal credit top up of giving them about an extra £30 per week but when you add these 2 ammounts of pay together and divide that by 35hrs care they give it ammounts to approximatly £2.20 maybe slighly more per hour... per hour for a carer its over £5 less than minimum wage... and there is approximatly 1 million carers in this country trying to care for loved ones and friends which is helping state costs by billions of £££££'s... but they should be respected so much more by getting payed more carers allowance and universal and not pay for there own travel. Please, please, please help fight the government for all of the carers in great britain. Thankyou kindly.



2021-02-04 14:31:56 +0000

10 signatures reached