To: UK Government

Public Finance for Essential COVID Symptom Study

Finance this important research into the spread of COVID-19.

Why is this important?

By collecting symptom data in real time, with the help of a small percentage of the UK population using a phone app, this research project is already helping us to understand how the virus spreads, who is at risk and to correct some otherwise vague statistics about the pandemic in this country.

A spokesperson from the NHS has said, "We are grateful to the innovative developers of the COVID Symptom Study app. The app is supporting the NHS and Government to manage the COVID-19 crisis.”

This research was started by people who could see that it was needed and that they had the knowledge to do it. They had to begin with their own resources and have attracted support from charity, yet the work is of national and international importance.

We are already benefitting from the results but benefits could be so much more if we can give it national support.