50 signatures reached
To: The British Government
Fires in the Bolivian Amazon Region
Please do not limit your help to rescue the Brazilian Amazon. The Bolivian Amazon is also burning with devastating consequences to the native population of the region and the environment.
Why is this important?
The lost of the Bolivian rain-forest not only affects Bolivia but the world.
As a native Bolivian this is immensely important not only to me, my family here in the UK and in Bolivia, but also to the Bolivian community in this country
It is upsetting to us to see that Governments and the press only talk about Brazil, and not about the Bolivian reinforest
As a native Bolivian this is immensely important not only to me, my family here in the UK and in Bolivia, but also to the Bolivian community in this country
It is upsetting to us to see that Governments and the press only talk about Brazil, and not about the Bolivian reinforest