To: Sundar Pichai Chief Executive Officer of Google
Fix the chaos of breakout rooms in Google Meet

Please fix breakout rooms in google meet! Make it easier to split people into equal groups and stop including people who are not on the call in the breakout rooms.
Why is this important?
Google generally produces elegant simple technology that's quickly adopted by the masses because it's easy to use. But OMG Google Meet's break out room function makes me want to pull my hair out.
It is WILD that when splitting calls into breakout rooms it doesn't just split the people on the call into equal rooms, instead it also puts all the people who were ever invited to a call in a room treating them just like live attendees. It means that live attendees are scattered randomly between rooms on their own, or massively over subscribed rooms.
What's more, as a host of a call you're constantly left floundering in front of a big group call as you wrestle with the bonkers user interface.
We give you all of our data, the least you could do is give us some nice tools in exchange.
It is WILD that when splitting calls into breakout rooms it doesn't just split the people on the call into equal rooms, instead it also puts all the people who were ever invited to a call in a room treating them just like live attendees. It means that live attendees are scattered randomly between rooms on their own, or massively over subscribed rooms.
What's more, as a host of a call you're constantly left floundering in front of a big group call as you wrestle with the bonkers user interface.
We give you all of our data, the least you could do is give us some nice tools in exchange.