To: Living Wage Foundation

Force Living Wage Foundation to make service providers try and get real living wage for staff

I wold like the Living Wage Foundation to alter their rules so that Living Wage Service Providers must ask clients to pay the real living wage on a yearly basis.

Why is this important?

As it stands, if an Accredited Living Wage Service Provider gets their contract renewed without a competitive bid, they are under no obligation to try and get their staff the real living wage. This means a company can get accredited and some staff could be forced to wait an unlimited amount of years before the company will try and get them the real living wage. The service provider gets good PR out of being accredited, yet they can have hundreds or even thousands of staff on min wage and not even make the effort to try and end what the Living Wage Foundation call poverty wages.

How it will be delivered

The signatures will be emailed to the Real Living Wage Foundation
