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To: Ed Vaizey MP, Minister for Culture, Communications and Creative Industries

Force Mobile Phone Copmpanies to allow a Usage Cap

I would like the government to force mobile phone companies to allow the optional capping of their phone contracts. For example if you sign up for a plan with 600 minutes of phone usage that is exactly what you get NOT a minute more.

Why is this important?

I am a parent that is continually under pressure to supply my children with state of the art technology in the form of these all singing all dancing smart phones.

To be able to truly control my children's spending the only way I can do this is to overspend initially on a phone and go Pay As You Go. Then there is the problem of teenagers hassling for more credit. Pay as You go is expensive. The cost of these phones are extortionate and the tariffs are designed to maximise the income for the company and to encourage people to take out contracts.

The contract price plans are attractive. You can get a decent phone and a decent price plan for a reasonable monthly outlay. It is an easy option. My daughters were signed up and on the whole it is fantastic. They choose the phone, they know they can't upgrade it for 2 years and they know how much they can use it. In theory. As parents it is perfect. We sign them up. We are responsible for the bill.

That is the issue. We naively assume our children are responsible adults and will treat this service with respect. As parents we are giving our children, young children, this responsibility maybe a little too early. There are children out there running up huge bills for their parents through lack of understanding of the consequences. These children don't realise it can lead to family debt and they assume it only effect them. There is also the point where the whole account can be suspended for non payment. The whole family, where a job which relies on the phone, could be at risk.

My daughter ran up a bill of £130. On contacting the provider we were offered no help. The phone company said what if in the case of emergency. With unlimited texts and 999 I don't see this as being a valid reason. They told me they don't offer a capping service and we were responsible for the amount. After all she used it.

I believe this is purely profiteering on the part of the phone company. I believe it should be a shared responsibility between the phone company and the contract holder.

I believe that if they offered a cap option then this would prevent children (and some adults too) from putting their families through financial hardship. It will teach our children limits. I, after all, do not want to be presented with another extortionate bill that I can't afford.



10 years ago

10 signatures reached