To: To all citizens of the United Kingdom

Incorporation of the philosophy of Conservative Libertarianism in society

I would like society to take a clean look at the virtues of accommodating the ethos and principles of conservative-libertarianism in the government of the State.

This is not a party political broadcast, for the attempt to form a political party from November 2020 till today has failed from the decision of the Election Commission that even an Independent Candidate cannot take part in promoting such interests politically.

However, we live at the juncture of difficult times with the corononavirus-pandemic generated depression of economic activity in the country that I love and a new way of distilling our knowledge and modifying Democracy is overdue.

We have a much-admired and respected monarchy that we should be proud of for the dedication in which it sensitively conducts Royal duties, but the Democracy needs to be overhauled to modern times when children have different sets of parental and societal guidance to start the process of getting themselves stronger and taking part in government of the day itself, being the next generation.

In Conservative Libertarianism we preserve all the strengths of our Democracy such as the traditions under which Kings and Queens have arranged the Constitution to take a balanced view of what the State can afford without getting into too much debt and taking its place in the international sphere of global camaraderie.

We must stand up to human rights and counsel our younger generation that protesting in the streets is counter productive and harmful to the due process of the law and law-enforcement with our loved and dedicated Police officers doing a very difficult job in maintaining law and order.

The structures of Democracy can only be tinkered very gradually in an evolving process and we rely on our elders statesmen of the past who are accommodated in the House of Lords to take a supervisory look, but the House of Lords must be democratically elected and must have veto powers on what the executive led by the Prime Minister is able to do in its daily activities, if we are to have confidence in this institutional structure.

I withdraw my hitherto assessment that the Monarch of the day must be limited to a period of e 10 years following which there must be a referendum to assess if he or she has done the right thing during his or her reign. It should be assessed after a 15 year term to give continuity to the establishment. Accordingly, the concept of the divine right of kings and queens to rule indefinitely is not the answer, and there is no Divine Right to rule in that manner that I know off. If anyone else does, I would like him or her to produce evidence of how they have made this assessment.

In Conservative Libertarianism we preserve Nature as Creation as well so we do not take out more from Nature than we can put back into Nature from our recycling methods of the goods and services that we utilise, and prevent pollution of the environment.

Why is this important?

We need to have democratic representation of the conservative libertarian values among all sections of the population and make our voices heard to prevent the fragmentation of society by the disenfranchisement of the humanity of the electorate, for a properly functioning democracy. The more parties in the Parliament, the better the chances of coalition governments that would look after all the interests of all the citizens and will not abandon their plight as the country tackles socio-economic problems and international relations, but a third middle-ground is essential for Environmental Sustainability to coalesce these harmonising views.

How it will be delivered

I wish to collect signatures and deliver them to the Speaker of the House of Commons through my Member of Parliament.
