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Free Asthma Inhalers for English Residents

Make it so asthmatics living in England don't have to pay for their medication.

Why is this important?

Asthma is a life threatening condition that needs medication to overcome the struggles of it.
5.5 million people are treated for the condition.
On average, three people per day or one person every eight hours dies from asthma.
An estimated 75% of hospital admissions for asthma are avoidable and 90% of deaths are preventable.
One in 11 children and one in 12 adults has asthma.
Yet English residents still have to pay for inhalers, when people living in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland receive them for free.
It's not worth the risk of not taking the required medication because some people can't afford it.
For more information please visit



2024-04-02 17:25:02 +0100

10 signatures reached