To: Train Companies and Transport Authorities

Free Local Train Travel for England's Pensioners

Free local train travel is available to concessionary bus pass holders in Manchester, Liverpool, London and West Midlands. We call on these areas to continue with this concession and for the same rights to free local train travel to be extended to other parts of England. The train companies who receive billions in subsidies should be required to put something back by just such a cost neutral concession.

Why is this important?

Many pensioners are isolated, lonely and trapped in pensioner poverty. Buses do not provide toilets or comfort for many with mobility or health issues. South Yorkshire Freedom Riders have long campaigned for their concession to be returned and for it to be extended to all on the above grounds as well as social needs. For example many now find hospital treatment is no longer local but regional and often impossible to travel to by bus. If it's good enough for pensioners in London then it's only right that all pensioners in England have the same concession.

South Yorkshire and England.

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