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To: Wandsworth Council

Free of charge bed bug and human flea extermination for Wentworth Court, Garrat Lane

Wandsworth Council shall provide free of charge extermination to all social flat inhabitants of Wentworth Court. Entire building has been infested and most people are not able to afford paid extermination treatment provided by the council. Such approach risks huge infestation in the block spreading also onto Southside Shopping Centre and cinema which are built in direct contact with the block. infestation brings huge health risks to all tenants of the block as well as customers and employees of the Southside Shopping centre and cinema. Children living on the premises of the property may transmit the insects to local schools.

Why is this important?

Human Fleas ( Pulex Itritans) can serve as intermediate hosts of two types of parasitic tapeworms. They also transmit bubonic plague, murine typhus and tularemia among other diseases.
Bed Bug bite causes adverse allergic reaction, bed bugs also carry serious bacterial infections as well as Chaga disease if in direct contact with people who travelled abroad.
It is extremely important to provide healthy environment for all tenants, especially the vulnerable ones - children and the elderly .

London SW18 4BT

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2021-04-17 18:13:08 +0100

10 signatures reached