To: Nicola Sturgeon

Free windows, doors and insulation grants for Scotland Homeowners like England is doing

Nicola Sturgeon as you always say you will always put Scotland first, do it once again by looking after all of us the way England is helping people there through this pandemic and trying to keep people warm and letting them live in humane conditions by living in homes insulated properly. Just like England has brought forward the new grant for Windows, doors and insulation why is Scotland being left behind and not equally giving the same living condition opportunities. Please, please Nicola before the winter sets in let people who need it most have new Windows, doors and insulation installed.

Why is this important?

This will let people live in the living conditions everyone now a days should be living in and can potentially save many, many lives for so many elderly and anyone who has lost their job through pandemic or cannot work for health or many other reasons. The last thing Scotland needs now is badly insulated homes more people getting ill while we try fight a deadly virus.

Scotland, UK

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