• Stop bombarding us with gambling ads on public transport
    Gambling companies spend over a BILLION pounds on ads every year to convince us to gamble. And it works - studies show a clear link between seeing gambling ads and gambling more. Gambling isn't a harmless hobby. Hundreds and thousands of people across the UK are addicted to gambling and every day someone takes their life due to gambling. In 2021 Sadiq Khan pledged in his London Mayoral manifesto to ban gambling ads on the London transport network, but three years later as he heads into another election the ads remain all over TfL. There's outrage over “This bus is now a casino" ads on TfL, which forced the gambling company to promise to withdraw them. Every day thousands of children, people experiencing gambling addiction, those in recovery, and families bereaved by gambling, will have been forced to see them, when they were just trying to get from point A to B. We shouldn't have to wait for companies to decide to take gambling ads down. TfL has shown they're willing to turn down advertising cash before out of concern for commuters. They removed ads for strawberries and cream at Wimbledon because of health concerns - why do treats at tennis force TfL to act, but the risks of addiction don't? We can show TfL and the London Mayor that it's time to take the damage done by gambling seriously. Right now, they mostly hear from the advertisers instead of us, the people the Mayor and TfL are meant to serve. With a huge petition, we can show them that the backlash isn't worth the money they might get from casinos and betting companies, and turn promises into action.
    11,081 of 15,000 Signatures
  • Save Phoenix House Community Centre
    Phoenix House and The Bus Shelter Kent Community Hub need your help. Please could you sign this petition so that the people of Swale can keep Phoenix House. KCC are trying to sell it. There are very few community centres in Sittingbourne as KCC are selling them off or closing them down. The community are running out of spaces for local clubs to be held. It is currently being used by The Bus Shelter Kent Community Hub which is a local homeless charity, food and clothes bank for the homeless and vulnerable of Swale. It is a life line for many families in this area. Please will you help me by signing this petition and getting justice for the community and those who really need the community centre. Thank you. I really appreciate your help. Kind regards Leigh
    166 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Leigh Bacon
    Because it would be the best birthday gift to dolly and it would mean she has an even deeper connection to the song
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Isabella Not saying
  • Install a safe crossing at West End, Brasted
    As you may have noticed, the lack of a pedestrian crossing at the bottom of our road poses a serious risk to the safety of pedestrians, including children going to the school bus stop, elderly individuals, dog walkers going over to the rec and families. With the increasing traffic flow in our area, crossing the road has become increasingly hazardous, especially during peak hours. To address this issue and ensure the safety of all residents, I am proposing the installation of a safe pedestrian crossing at the bottom of our road. This will not only enhance the safety of pedestrians but also contribute to the overall well-being of our community. Protect our children getting to school safely as well as families and dog walkers accessing the recreation park safely and protect our Village from speeding drivers and HGV’s entering the village. We have the right to live in a safe village. If you share our commitment to pedestrian safety and would like to support this initiative, please sign the online petition below. Thank you for your attention to this matter, and we look forward to your support in making our neighbourhood a safer place for everyone.
    114 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Steve Shippey
  • It's time for Universal Credit to protect people from going without the essentials
    I’m Mandy, Manager at Pontypridd Foodbank, and I’m supporting the Trussell Trust and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation’s petition which calls on all UK political party leaders to make sure Universal Credit protects people from going without the essentials. More and more people are coming to our food bank because Universal Credit simply isn’t enough to afford the essentials, and for many, deductions are cutting their income even further. I know what this feels like. Universal Credit is not enough for me and my kids to live off, plus we had to wait five weeks before we got our first payment. When you’re struggling to make ends meet and need support, you don’t have savings to cover five weeks! The knock-on effect of treading water every day also makes you feel helpless and depressed. But this can change. Universal Credit must keep up with the actual cost of essentials, with deductions not pushing people deeper into poverty. This would drastically reduce the number of people who need my food bank’s support and give hope to people in the same situation I was in. Please add your name now.
    62,331 of 75,000 Signatures
    Created by Amanda Haydon-Hall
  • Gamblers awareness month
    Gambling ruins lives. Families are torn apart, people commit suicide, loose jobs and their homes, some end up in prison.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kerry Melvin
  • Restrict stakes online live casino games
    To save lives protect players from gambling everything they have chasing huge losses it affects people’s mental health detrimentally makes them feel suicidal
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Donna Spinks
  • Scrap the cruel welfare cut plans
    Reports say the Government is planning a change to benefits that would force hundreds of thousands of people to find work despite suffering from a range of physical and mental health conditions, and waiting for operations and other treatment. This might not affect you right now, but any of us could fall ill at any time - and with the current NHS crisis this may mean having to wait months for treatment. These changes could force us to work no matter how unwell we are. The good news is that these plans aren't set in stone, which means we have a chance to stop them. If enough of us sign this petition it could convince the Government to do the right thing and scrap these plans for good
    59,962 of 75,000 Signatures
  • PLEASE VOTE to support Rebel Girls Club
    We are already in a national mental health crisis. The NHS is buckling under the strain of people needing urgent help - waiting lists are long and exhaustive-the support and guidance is simply not there - leaving many feeling isolated, alone and in suffering. A sense of community, belonging and support is paramount to any human in order to flourish. Women are often overlooked, marginalised, under-served, discriminated against, misrepresented and disregarded within many levels of society. This has been normalised. And it's devastating impact is clear to see. Our aim is to continue to provide a safe, supportive, nourishing and empowering space where women can be celebrated, encouraged, supported and seen. We want to continue providing our incredible courses, workshops, outreach projects, drop-ins and community events. We want to be able to show grants funders that what we do is valuable, important, unconditional and needed not just within Bristol but within society. "Rebel Girls Club has been life changing for me on so many levels- without them I don't know where I would be to be honest" - Olivia. P "... It's been more than a safe space but a place of inspiration, comfort, friendship and I've grown so much since being a part of it..." - Saskia. K "No words really. Simply phenomenal. I love the collective, all of the hard work and love the crew put in to everything - all of the teachings, activities, events - I can't thank you enough really" - Sally. B 🙏🏼❤️PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION SO WE CAN SHOW JUST HOW NEEDED RGC IS. ❤️🙏🏼 YOUR VOICE AND VOTE WILL MAKE SUCH A HUGE AND POSITIVE DIFFERENCE - And only takes 30 seconds to do. You can also vote anonymously. PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION TO SHOW YOUR SUPPORT, SOLIDARITY AND STRENGTH IN KEEPING SERVICES LIKE RGC GOING ❤️🙏🏼❤️ ❤️ Everything we do is from our unrelenting passion and love towards empowerment, sisterhood & connection. Thank you 🌹
    291 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Jessica Mercedes Picture
  • Include off-grid households in Government £400 Energy Bills Support Scheme.
    Rapid inflation in 2022 means that petrol and diesel prices have risen by almost 50% and bottled LPG by around 40% compared to 12 months ago. The wholesale cost of LPG has doubled in the past year. Those who have a mains electricity hook-up do not qualify for the grant because the supply to the marina or caravan site is commercial, not domestic. The cost of solid fuel started to increase around 12 months ago. Some are finding they simply cannot afford these price increases. Most people who live off-grid are typically either working people on low incomes, or pensioners. Research* has shown that 51% of the liveaboard boater community were likely to have an annual income below £20,000, and 40% were likely to be earning minimum wage or less. The cost of living has increased much faster than wages. Some are having to rely on food banks and the generosity of others in the community. People who live off grid may be able to use solar and wind power, but the amount of power renewables can generate if your home is a boat, vehicle or caravan is limited, especially in winter. It is unfair to exclude these off grid, low income households from the support that is being offered to the rest of the UK population, even to the most wealthy. *Research to identify impacts of British Waterways policy on boat dwellers without moorings, by Kennet and Avon Boating Community and similar research regarding the liveaboard boater community in London in 2011.
    5,502 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by National Bargee Travellers Association
  • Benefit changes
    Because so many families with young children are struggling ,They might use food banks ,but the food never lasts ,something needs to be done
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Aileen Fletcher
  • Care Home visiting - I want to see my husband!
    The mental health and emotional needs of residents in Care Homes have been ignored for too long. According to Government Guidance: "Visiting is a central part of care home life. It is crucially important for maintaining the health, wellbeing and quality of life of residents. Visiting is also vital for family and friends to maintain contact and life-long relationships with their loved ones and contribute to their support and care". My husband and I are ageing rapidly. He is 81, I am 80. He has dementia and I need to see him now, whilst he still knows me and before he forgets who I am. I want to be able to give him a hug, to reassure him that I still love him. To not allow me and his family to see him is nothing short of cruel. Care Home residents are being trapped in worlds they haven't chosen with no voice and no light at the end of the tunnel for either them or the ones who love them.
    238 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Louise Adamson