p. 105. "Whilst consideration may be given to an element of modern enabling development to support its conversion and re-use, complete demolition of the 19th Century heritage asset is not supported by this guidance and would need to be strongly justified in relation to National and Local policies’."
Demolition of the original 19th century stone building is central to the financial viability of the WGSF plan but the guidance has made clear this would not be allowed.
p.111. "new public space at the heart of the site", "maximise existing green areas to create a local amenity", "maintain mature trees", "maintain views through the site".
p112. "As such, clear and convincing justification for any demolition or enabling development will be required by the Council."
p112. "Proposals for development which do not preserve the building’s architectural or historic features and the character of the conservation area will be opposed in line with national and local policies."