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To: Jenny Gilruth MSP - Scottish Minister for Transport

Act on CDGRail's 5 ASKS! Reopen the Stranraer-Dumfries Railway!

The Campaign for Dumfries and Galloway Rail was started by a group of young people in response to the cost of living crisis. We began the group with a clear vision for the future of transport in the region, which can be best boiled down to 5 asks:

1. Reopen the Stranraer-Dumfries Railway
2. Connect Dumfries to the West Coast Mainline with a rail link to Lockerbie
3. Use the new railway to pioneer freight rail travel between Cairnryan and Carlisle, to free our roads from polluting lorries
4. Provide a more affordable and reliable service between Stranraer, Dumfries and the Central Belt
5. Integrate existing public transport, as well as improve infrastructure for active transport, so that smaller towns and villages are connected to the railway

These 5 points are incredibly important to the people living in Dumfries and Galloway. We're calling on the Scottish Government (and other relevant governing bodies) to take action on these 5 asks, to get the region #BackOnTrack!

Why is this important?

Dumfries and Galloway needs to be accessible to everyone who lives here. in 2022, not everyone can afford to drive, some cannot drive because of a disability or other boundaries.

By signing this petition, you'll be sending a clear message to the Scottish Government. The Government need to act on these 5 asks, to get the region #BackOnTrack!
Dumfries, UK

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2022-09-08 10:56:45 +0100

50 signatures reached

2022-09-05 08:49:56 +0100

25 signatures reached

2022-09-04 21:07:50 +0100

10 signatures reached