To: Our UK Mp's.

Full debate in parliament on CPTPP - Comprehensive Agreement Trans-Pacific Partnership

Photo by Traxer on Unsplash
In Apart from the agreement having only minor economic advantages various substantial disadvantages for the UK are noted as follows: Various organisations have expressed concerns about the implications of the CPTPP for food safety, farming and environmental standards. The Government has emphasised that food imports will continue to comply with UK import standards but the NFU and WWF note the UK has not actually developed core minimum standards for food imports.
Concerns have also been raised over pesticides and animal welfare.
Some groups have raised concerns over Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) provisions. These are highly controversial with some arguing that they allow foreign investors to challenge legitimate government policies in areas such as the environment, workers’ rights and health

Why is this important?

We should not confirm such agreements when they have a 'rat's tail' of disadvantages in the medium and long term. We already trade successfully with these countries without the apparent problems that this agreement will throw up. Is it just a piece of window dressing from a bunch of brexit-tears?