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To: Bristol City Council

fund important technology for hearing impaired children in bristol

Fund radio aids for children in early years settings and schools.

Why is this important?

Radio aids and other technological devices are important for developing children's speech, understanding and attention for children with hearing loss, whether they wear hearing aids or have cochlear implants. Without them children do not have access to clear speech from the lead adult and the background noise is amplified so they are not able to differentiate between background noise and direction from an adult. This can lead to behavioural issues , delayed speech, lack of confidence and problems in developing and maintaining peer relationships.

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2017-03-18 13:29:29 +0000

50 signatures reached

2017-03-17 20:05:18 +0000

25 signatures reached

2017-03-17 18:08:36 +0000

10 signatures reached