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To: Chancellor George Osbourne

George Osbourne Release The £30 Billion NI Surplus

Mr Osbourne, you are sitting on a surplus of National Insurance contributions, as this money can only be used for the NHS or benefit claims, we urge you to release these funds as soon as possible.

These funds have been collected by the Government from the people, the people now demand that you use these funds for the purpose it was intended for.

Why is this important?

It is criminal that the Government is holding back tax money paid in by us to benefit us, people are starving, people are sick, we DON'T need food banks we need a benefit system that does EXACTLY what it was set up for to assist people in their time of need, not when the rich and powerful decide it is required.

We need a stable and efficient NHS, we need to ensure we have the ground level staff to care for the very people that need caring for, we need to give the nurses a decent wage, and decent working conditions.

Holding on to money that belongs to the people is wrong, Stripping a persons only ability to feed themselves and keep warm, often for ridiculous or trivial reasons, can drive people to homelessness and even cost lives, is wrong. Money being kept aside which is meant to be used to provide a safety net for anyone who falls upon hard-times, or whom are unable to support themselves due to illness or disability, is wrong.

How can this possibly be fair or just? Especially when Osborne is sitting on £30 billion of public money – your money! let us the people right these wrongs NOW!
Please sign this petition, we must make the politicians that work for us do the job they signed up for, not to satisfy the whims of the rich and wealthy who fund their political party.



2016-03-17 14:22:12 +0000

1,000 signatures reached

2015-12-04 18:45:46 +0000

500 signatures reached

2014-12-30 15:31:02 +0000

100 signatures reached

2014-12-16 01:03:57 +0000

50 signatures reached

2014-12-10 16:30:59 +0000

25 signatures reached

2014-12-09 19:37:29 +0000

10 signatures reached