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To: All IPP Prisoners that received the sentence and still have to serve it

Get Rid of the IPP sentence that was abolished

I would like for this to go to government so they can make changes for the current IPP prisoners that still have to be IPP. As it was abolished in 2012 by government, but there are still thousands suffering and having to be an IPP prisoner, it is inhuman.

Why is this important?

I was given an IPP sentence on the day they made changes that to the sentence so you could not receive small tariffs. I have been out of prison since Oct 2013, but not everyone has Bren lucky to get parole and since all of this the sentence has been abolished. It is important to me as an IPP released prisoner, the sentence messes with people mentally and people are suffering and being forget about in prison.

United Kingdom

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2020-10-21 13:54:18 +0100

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