To: The Prime Minister

Give us a better democracy, without the House of Lords and with a constitution

The BREXIT vote appears to have been, in part at least, a call to make Britain and British politicians more democratically accountable. If so, let's continue the work. The first step is to replace the House of Lords with a review chamber that is not populated with the unelected, those from a limited faith and the genetically "blessed". As a second step let's have a constitution that makes clear the balance of power between the people, parliament and the courts, with checks in place to ensure that we never again try to resolve the future of generations through the idiocy of a referendum.

Why is this important?

Having been so careless about the future last Thursday we owe it to ourselves, and those who follow, to ensure that there is a representative democracy that works throughout Britain. Having a sensible second chamber would remove the hypocrisy of criticising the EU institutions. It would also kill the shame of having the largest wholly unelected second chamber in Europe. Agreeing a constitution would force us to reflect on the importance and fragility of democracy and how we make sure that it reflects the interests of all.