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To: North Ayrshire Council

Halt salmon industry expansion around Arran!

25/03/21 We are delighted to share breaking news that the Millstone Point salmon battery farm application has been REJECTED!

The North Ayrshire Council Planning Committee has just concluded their discussion of the application by the "Scottish" Salmon Company; the councillors voted unanimously to refuse the proposal.

Our heartfelt thanks to everyone who has supported on this long journey. There may yet be more chapters to this saga if the decision is appealed by the applicant; but for now we celebrate this momentous decision which rightly acknowledges the special qualities of this area and the vital importance of Arran's natural environment to our wellbeing and economy.

With very best wishes,

Russ Cheshire

on behalf of all the Friends of Millstone Point.

Please do not grant permission for new or expanded salmonid production sites in the North Ayrshire Council islands & coastal area.

Why is this important?

The Environment, Climate Change & Land Reform Committee of the Scottish Parliament have stated in regard to large-scale open-cage salmon production "If the current issues are not addressed this expansion will be unsustainable and may cause irrecoverable damage to the environment." The Community of Arran Seabed Trust say that the consequences of large numbers of fish deaths, contamination by fish sewage, food waste, chemicals and medicals will be detrimental to the environment, health and economy of the Isle of Arran and its neighbours.

The proposal by the Scottish Salmon Company for a new and larger site off the north-east coast of Arran will not only spoil the enjoyment of a previously undeveloped part of the island, but also disturb the native wildlife such as otters, seals, porpoises and basking sharks.
Isle of Arran KA27

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2021-11-19 10:20:32 +0000

After the wonderful news in March that the application for this development had been unanimously rejected by the North Ayrshire Council Planning Committee, the "Scottish" Salmon Co. chose to appeal against that decision with the Scottish Govt.

We are delighted to tell you that this appeal was also rejected in an announcement in November!

Details of decision at

2021-03-25 11:33:27 +0000

Petition is successful with 7,748 signatures

2021-03-24 16:08:54 +0000

YES!!! At long last, after many delays caused by Covid-19, North Ayrshire Council's planning committee voted unanimously to reject the application by the"Scottish" Salmon Co. for an industrial salmon production site at Millstone Point! Than you everybody - Arran is grateful!

2020-05-04 09:23:01 +0100

Transfer of sealice between industry cages and young wild salmon (smolts) is a real issue; many fish migrate to the Atlantic through the Firth of Clyde. How many more will be killed by the increased presence of these 5,000 tonne battery farms?

2020-04-14 15:35:50 +0100

In the light of the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic it's understandable that North Ayrshire Council have postponed or cancelled all meetings until after 30th June; so there should be no news on the current application until after that date.
What is worrying is that the Scottish Environement Protection Agency have chosen to relax the regulations covering the use of toxic chemicals in salmon aquaculture sites until after the same date. We at the Community of Arran Seabed Trust feel that this is not the time to increase the risk of pollution in Scotland's seas; we suggest that the need is for greater monitoring and reporting. Details of SEPA's stance can be found at:

2020-01-20 15:53:06 +0000

There is no longer any reason for the salmon industry to pollute Scotland's seas- while they persist with the outmoded and dangerous method of open-cage production, more enlightened companies are stealing their markets!

2019-12-31 10:21:04 +0000

We're in The Guardian! Last issue of 2019:

2019-11-22 17:47:13 +0000

We have recently received confirmation that the Planning Committe Meeting to decide the outcome of the Scottish Salmon Co’s North Arran application has been delayed until the 22nd January 2020. This was at the request of the SSCo and also Scottish Natural Heritage.

2019-10-24 13:52:27 +0100

Which "Scottish" salmon company that wants to build a 5,000 tonne production site at Millstone Point of Arran tried to stop the Scottish Government releasing photographs of injured and diseased salmon? Don't let them get away with it - sign this petition!

2019-09-25 14:03:23 +0100

Despite evidence to the contrary with record levels of disease, sealice infestation and fish deaths, Roseanna Cunningham, Scottish Government Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform says “There is insufficient evidence to support a moratorium on the industry’s expansion”. Tens of thousands of people in Scotland disagree with her - please sign our petition and show your opposition!

2019-09-20 09:00:02 +0100

This letter from Newfoundland explains why open-cage salmon production is no longer a viable option; if it is necessary to produce salmon on an industrial scale, closed-containment or re-circulating aquaculture systems are a better method.

2019-09-18 16:18:47 +0100

We made the Sunday Post! Is Oor Wullie with us now? ;-)

2019-09-16 11:05:23 +0100

Here's a shot of most of the people who walked the 4.5km to the site (and 4.5km back!) - there were also kayakers, yachts and other vessels at sea!

2019-09-16 11:02:53 +0100

A gathering of people opposing the Scottish Salmon Co's planning application was held on Sunday 15th September:

2019-09-15 21:25:07 +0100

5,000 signatures reached