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To: Harry Kane

Harry Kane: wear the OneLove armband anyway

The FA has now decided not to ask its players to wear any armbands because FIFA has threatened "footballing sanctions", including yellow cards.

Harry, you have the opportunity to make a stand. To use your profile for good, to make progress with a gesture of defiance. Please will you wear the OneLove rainbow captain's armband regardless of the advice you get from the FA?

We understand this is not an easy decision. Wearing the armband could impact the team's success. But it'll be worth it: it'll show the world there is no place for hate, no place for legitimising nations that try to erase a certain slice of society.

You have proven that you are an ally to the LGBTQ+ community in the past, with your support of the rainbow laces campaign. Protest is rarely without consequence. Now, the LGBTQ+ community and its allies asks you to show that you are willing to face the consequences to stand up for what's right.

Why is this important?

The more football fans, people from the LGBTQ+ community and LGBTQ+ allies who ask Harry Kane to wear the OneLove armband anyway, the more likely he is to listen. We need to act now. Kane didn't wear the arm band for the first game and we need to send a strong message so he'll listen in time for future games. Support this petition and show the FA, FIFA and Qatar that they cannot brush LGBTQ+ rights and other human rights abuses under the carpet.



2022-11-23 03:32:56 +0000

25 signatures reached

2022-11-21 11:00:16 +0000

10 signatures reached