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To: Brighton and Hove City Council City Development and Regeneration

Have your say and STOP this 12-storey tower block being built adjacent to Hereford court

Planners to reconsider the elevation and proximity of the 12-storey tower block that is planned in Hereford Court carpark. It is far too high to be built so close to the existing tower block and disregards the impact on privacy, wellbeing, light and views of properties in Hereford Court and the surrounding buildings. A building of a maximum of 3/4 stories would be more acceptable and sensitive in consideration of the impact on the existing community and landscape.

Why is this important?

Brighton council are proposing an outrageous 12-storey tower block to be built within meters of Hereford court. The planned high-rise tower will overshadow and overlook the majority of west-facing flats in the Hereford Court obstructing their daylight and views over the city and downs. The planned building will permanently strip the peace and privacy of residents due to the close proximity and height of the planned construction. The council's plans display a shocking disregard for Hereford Court residents and leaseholders. But our voices matter! 

Please sign the petition to make sure our voices are heard and stand up for the quality of life of residents and our right to the ongoing enjoyment of our homes. These plans are still open to discussion so we can halt this inappropriate proposal and demand better for our residents.


Issues with the planned 12-storey building:

-Overshadowing- deprivation of natural light, particularly for West-facing flats in Hereford Court. West-facing flat's living spaces and balconies, and the entrance, all communal hallways and communal garden of Hereford Court will be in permanent shadow.
-Overlooking- loss of privacy of surrounding buildings, particularly living rooms, bedrooms and balconies of West-facing flats in Hereford Court 
-Overcrowding in an already densely-populated area.
-Loss of vehicular access to the main entrance of Hereford Court- essential for residents with reduced mobility and for loading.
-Lower quality of life and associated health impacts for residents due to loss of light, privacy and peace.
-Loss of car parking for residents, tradespeople and visitor bays. 
-Significant knock-on impact on demand for Kemptown's already limited street parking.
-Noise, disruption, dust and environmental impact of construction work of an excessively-high building in very close proximity to large numbers of residences will negatively impact health and wellbeing of the community over the next four years.
-Significant reduction in the saleability of properties in Hereford Court for leaseholders due to the total obstruction of the spectacular views and light from West-facing flats.
-Creating a dangerous wind channel between the buildings
-Creating a dark narrow corridor between the buildings

We support council's efforts to address the housing crisis, but overlooking the knock-on health impacts on existing communities in this way is short-sighted and a serious concern in this location. 

Please raise your concerns with the planners NOW to STOP this project going ahead and urge the Council to consider the impact of their plans on the community. 

Email concerns directly to the project manager: [email protected]
Kemptown, Brighton and Hove, Brighton, UK

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2024-07-18 22:28:29 +0100

100 signatures reached

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50 signatures reached

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25 signatures reached

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10 signatures reached

2024-07-13 14:24:20 +0100

Please fill in the survey before 20th July deadline to have your say with project managers