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To: MP candidates for Stroud

Make our MP work for us - Stroud

Please make Stroud a genuinely democratic constituency by actively seeking our opinion on local and national issues and voting accordingly in parliament.

Why is this important?

We believe the people of this country are more progressive, caring and informed than politicians think. Our political system makes it difficult for MPs to go against "party lines" even if they wish to, and are therefore open to corruption. We think it's time our politicians were able to genuinely represent us, and this is a simple way to begin.

We can vote for TV show contestants by SMS - the technology is already here to make democracy directly and easily available. Why not have a say on privatisation of the NHS, fracking under our homes, or going to war?

If the major MP candidates (Conservative, Green, Labour, Lib-Dem) for Stroud would pledge to represent us in this way, we could guarantee that whoever won the seat, the people of Stroud would be listened to.  It would free the winning candidate from the lash of party whips and give them a true mandate in line with their duty as an MP, which is to their constituents first and foremost.

Will you join us in this call for political renewal? If the answer is yes, please sign and pass on to your networks. 

Thank you for being involved.

Lizzie and the 38 Degrees team in Stroud

How it will be delivered

We intend to invite press to a presentation of the petition to local MP candidates at an event in April. We'll keep you posted!

Stroud, Gloucestershire

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2015-03-08 11:22:34 +0000

100 signatures reached

2015-03-06 16:35:51 +0000

50 signatures reached

2015-03-06 10:40:23 +0000

25 signatures reached

2015-03-04 13:05:05 +0000

10 signatures reached