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To: Housing department at East Riding of Yorkshire Council

Help a wheelchair user retain the decking outside his council flat

Retain the decking outside Jack Milnes' council flat.

Why is this important?

Jack Milnes is a disabled wheelchair user. Four years ago he had verbal permission from his housing officer at East Riding of Yorkshire Council to retain his decking just outside his door of his ground floor council flat. Three days after making a complaint about outstanding adaption to his flat that have been waiting for nearly three years, he has now been ordered to remove the decking and been given 21 day to complete it.

Within the estate there are several properties that have similar facilities outside and, as far as he is aware, none of these have been ordered to remove them.

This is a very important area for Jack to be able to greet and socialise with his neighbours and enjoy some needed fresh air.

Please sign this petition and encourage your friends to help Jack.
Church Cl, Goole DN14, UK

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2022-09-08 20:46:06 +0100

10 signatures reached