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To: UK government

Help all businesses forced to close due to covid restrictions by offering meaningful grants

Pay small businesses forced to close due to covid restrictions grants that are meaningful (proportionate to lockdown 1) and cover their expenses so that they can survive.

Why is this important?

Small businesses like shops and restaurants are the backbone of the UK economy. They pay all their taxes (unlike multinationals like Amazon) and employ millions. Yet again if they are considered "non essential" they are forced to close even though they have spent £1000s to make themselves covid secure and there is no evidence that they bear any responsibility for any rate rise. In the 1st lockdown they got £10000 to last 3 months and in the 2and only £1300 for 4 weeks. This 2nd grant is just inadequate to cover their expenses and many will go under forever. The UK government needs to act NOW and pay these businesses grants proportionate to lockdown 1 to keep them going.
United Kingdom

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2022-01-28 20:04:57 +0000

25 signatures reached

2020-12-23 20:36:54 +0000

10 signatures reached