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To: UK Goverment

Holiday Refunds

Take action against the holiday firms delaying customer refunds for cancelled travel due to COVID-19

Why is this important?

The UK public are finding times hard enough without essential funds being refunded for holidays not taking place. We need this cash back to live and it is unacceptable that they are breaking EU law in not refunding customers within 14 days. We need definitive deadlines on refunds being received if nothing else. At the moment being told "you will be refunded but we cannot tell you when" is not good enough. Why should they be able to hold onto our money for events that are not to take place and in some instances even demand we continue to pay them for it. Action needs to be taken by the government to help both sides, the holiday firms so that they can survive and refund customers, and the UK public so they can receive this needed money back.

United Kingdom

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2020-05-12 16:05:15 +0100

10 signatures reached