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HSBC: Talk Is Cheap... Pay Back The Tax!

Talk is cheap and apologies are all well and good when they have been wrung out of you by a parliamentary inquiry.

However, the fact remains you aided and abetted tax avoidance and evasion that left a big hole in our tax revenue, one that is being paid for by the poorest and most vulnerable people in the UK.

Instead of apologising how about you determine how much you helped keep from the tax payers and pay it back in the form of donations to deserving causes such as schools, hospitals and homeless charities, spreading your repayments over as many years as are needed to fill the revenue hole that you helped create.

Why is this important?

It is important that we cultivate a sense of responsibility and honesty within society and the example HSBC have set goes directly against the grain in that regard. We need them to show us how sorry they really are by contributing meaningfully, responsibly and honestly to the society they helped deprive of income.



2015-03-02 16:39:46 +0000

10 signatures reached